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Host Pianos

The pianos are the biggest logistical exercise in the Competition. Over 30 pianos are required for both practice and performance.  These are placed in the RDS and in private homes during the Competition.

If you have a piano in your house and live in the Dublin area, perhaps you would like to have a competitor come and practise during the Competition.  If so, we’d be delighted to hear from you at info@dipc.reddog.ie

Steinway and Sons also provide the concert grands for all Competition performances, and the back-up support of their excellent specialist technicians.


Róisín Grimley DIPC

Róisín Grimley — Tribute from Adrienne Carolan, Executive Director, DIPC

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Piano auditorium 1200x900

Announcing the new 2024 DIPC Young Pianists Programme

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Saeyoon Chon

DIPC winner Saeyoon Chon in recital in Pavilion Theatre, Dun Laoghaire, Friday, November 24th

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